Cowper's gland

Cowper's gland
either of two glands that discharge a component of seminal fluid into the urethra; homologous to Bartholin's gland in the female
Hypernyms: ↑exocrine gland, ↑exocrine, ↑duct gland
Part Holonyms: ↑male reproductive system

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  • Cowper's gland — [ko͞o′pərz, kou′pərz] n. [after William Cowper (1666 1709), Eng anatomist] either of two small glands with ducts opening into the male urethra: during sexual excitement they secrete a mucous substance: see BARTHOLIN S GLAND …   English World dictionary

  • Cowper's gland — 1738, so called because discovered by anatomist William Cowper (1666 1709); see COOPER (Cf. Cooper) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Cowper's gland — Cow·per s gland .kau̇ pərz , .kü pərz , .ku̇p ərz n either of two small glands of which one lies on each side of the male urethra below the prostate gland and discharges a secretion into the semen called also bulbourethral gland, gland of Cowper… …   Medical dictionary

  • Cowper's gland — noun Etymology: William Cowper died 1709 English surgeon Date: 1738 either of two small glands lying on either side of the male urethra below the prostate gland and discharging a secretion into the semen called also bulbourethral gland compare… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Cowper's gland — /kow peuhrz, kooh /, Anat., Zool. either of two small glands that secrete a mucous substance into the male urethra. Also called bulbourethral gland. [1730 40; named after William Cowper (1666 1709), English anatomist, who discovered them] * * * …   Universalium

  • Cowper's gland — Cow′per s gland [[t]ˈkaʊ pərz, ˈku [/t]] n. anat. zool. either of two small glands that secrete a mucous substance into the male urethra during sexual excitement • Etymology: 1730–40; after William Cowper (1666–1709), English anatomist, who… …   From formal English to slang

  • Cowper's gland — noun Anatomy either of a pair of small glands at the base of the penis which secrete a constituent of seminal fluid. Origin C18: named after the English anatomist William Cowper …   English new terms dictionary

  • Cowper's gland — noun See bulbourethral gland …   Wiktionary

  • Cowper cyst gland etc. — Cow·per cyst, gland, etc. (kouґpər) [William Cowper, English surgeon, 1666–1709] see under syringocele; see ductus glandulae bulbourethralis, glandula bulbourethralis; and see pectineal fascia, under fascia …   Medical dictionary

  • Cowper (surname) — Cowper (pronounced Cowper or Cooper depending on family) is a surname of several persons: Bob Cowper (born 1940), Australian cricketer Charles Cowper (1807–1875), Australian politician Edward Alfred Cowper (1819–1893), British mechancial engineer …   Wikipedia

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